Kudos for CatmanDrew! America's Premier Cat Artist Drew Strouble
Drew Strouble is America's premier cat artist. Locate press coverage, Drew Strouble's biography, unsolicited customer comments and more right here!
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Production has just completed on a segment featuring Drew Strouble for a new upcoming TV series for Animal Planet. The new show will air in February 26, 2011.  
Show host John Fulton, Powderhouse Prod Sr. Producer Ann MacMullan, Lola, Rusty 'Singing to a Singapura'

Videographer Brandon sets up shot with John and Drew in CatmanDrew's Studio

Drew gives John a lesson in 'How to Paint a Cat'

Drew Strouble 'CatmanDrew' interview ... a legacy ... the largest collection of watercolors in the world by a single artist of the domestic pet cat. 'The Cat is my Muse.'
Drew Strouble, The Cat's Meow, Style Magazine, 12-3-2006. The Cat’s Meow
Since the dawn of history, artists have tried to capture the mysterious qualities of both wild and domestic animals. Early cave painters depicted buffalo, boar and antelopes. The ancient Egyptians had a preference for cats—lions, leopards and their smaller household cousins. In 17th-century British art, portraits of horses and hunting hounds were common. Picasso was drawn to bulls; Audubon to birds.
Today, the Gulf Coast is home to a number of talented painters of animal portraits. We talked to three of them about their subjects, how they approach their art and life with the animals around them.
The cat’s meow
For the last 16 years, Drew Strouble, also known as CatmanDrew, has made cats his subject of choice. His watercolor portraits look so real that many people think they are photographs. But he also does loose brushand-ink drawings and whimsical studies in bright colors. “I tell my customers I can doit all—minimalism to photorealism —and I enjoy mixing it up,” he says.
Strouble’s love affair with cats goes back as far as his interest in art. In high school, he wanted to become a veterinarian and specialize in cats. “When I look over my earliest portfolios and sketch books, they all had cats in them,” he says.
These days, Strouble and his wife, actress Kim Crow, live with four felines. Their most recent acquisition is a Singapora, named after the famous dancer, Lola Falana, although they call her Lola Falafel because she is small and round. They also own two Himalayans and a black-and-white domesticnamed Rorschach, whois almost 17 years old. Rorschach wasone of Strouble’s earliest subjects.
After graduating from Ringling School of Art and Design, Strouble spent 13 years as an offset lithographer at a commercial art company in Sarasota. Along the way, he showed his own works in local exhibitions.
In 1990, Strouble bought a tent, rented a van, and went to six art shows across Florida. He took along three still lifesand a watercolor of a gray tabby sprawled on a red tile floor. “Helga’s Cat” generated the most interest. People asked him, “Why don’t you do more of that?” The following year, he created four paintings of his own cats and met with even greater success. By the time he left his commercial art job for good, he had created more than 65 watercolors of cats.
Strouble now attends about 30 art shows in Florida each year. Most of his business comes from selling prints, which Strouble generates himself by using fine-art printers and pigmented inks. Computer technology has made it possible to print on demand without having to store all the copies of a limited edition. “I am fortunate to be both an artist and have the technical background,” he says.
With more than 200 watercolors of cats now in print, Strouble has definitely found his niche. His clients come from all walks of life — some wealthy, some middle-class people — all of whom love their cats so much that they are willing to spend the money to have original portraits done. About half of his commissions are for deceased cats. “The owners may still have others, but this one cat was their favorite, and they really want to have it painted,” he says.
Working exclusively from photos, Strouble rarely meets his subjects in person. When clients ask him to come and take pictures, he tells them, “If, like me, you’re a cat owner, you probably have more pictures of the cat than of the family.” He is usually right.
Whether people send photos for a specific pose or give him complete artistic license, they are usually pleased with the results. Many clients have told Strouble that he has really captured the spirit of their cats. “When I hear that,” CatmanDrew says happily, “I know that I have succeeded with the painting.”
Drew Strouble wins Best of Show award for the 2006 PAVA's "Members Show".
Drew entered the trompe o'leil painting titled, "The Marble Box". The painting measures approximately 13 x 13 1/4 inches including the frame which is an integral part of the illusion in this "trick the eye" super realistic painting executed on 1/4" opaque white plexiglas.
Drew Strouble wins First Place in 3-D Award in the "Clearwater Fine Arts Festival"
The Clearwater Fine Arts Festival was held August 12-13, 2006 at the Harborview Center, 300 Cleveland St., Tampa, Florida. First Place in 3-D award went to Drew Strouble. There were approximately one hundred artists in this high quality juried show. There were two very highly qualified judges to select the award winners in the exhibition.

Drew Strouble Wins PAVA 'Out of the Blue' Best of Show
The Professional Association of Visual Artists announced the Best of Show award for this year's Out of the Blue exhibition May 13-14, 2006 in Clearwater, Florida went to Sarasota artist "Cat Man" Drew Strouble.
The judges for the show were Mark Ormond and Robert J. Sindelir.
Mark Ormond has had a distinguished career in the art world for more than twenty-five years. He is currently an independent curator, professor, author and consultant. He completed graduate and undergraduate programs in art history at George Washington University and the University of Pennsylvania. During his ten-year association with the Ringling Museum he was appointed Senior Curator & Deputy Director of Collections and Programs. Moving to Miami in 1988, he became the first Curator and then was appointed Director of the Center for the Fine Arts now called the Miami Art Museum.
Robert J. Sindelir, Director Emeritus, Kendall Campus Art Gallery, Miami-Dade Community College, and respected art professional for more than forty years, has served as director, art critic, gallery owner, essayist, and as curator for more than 200 exhibitions.
Drew Strouble is the
recipient of the international Cat Writers’ Association (CWA) Muse
Medallion™ Award for Illustration for his painting 'Pillow Talk' and Series of Illustrations 'Drew's Cats Notecards' as well as the receipient of special Kuykendall Image Award for outstanding image entry featuring cats-photography, illustration or graphic art for his painting 'Waiting for Tom'. Strouble was announced a winner at the 2005 Cat Writers Association communication contest awards banquet held November 19 in Foster City, CA as part of the annual CWA Professional Conference.
The Cat Writers’ Association Muse Medallion™ Awards are given to
the top entries in 40 contest categories including newspaper and magazine articles, books and online publications. This year, there were over 269 entries in the contest. Entries are judged by a three person panel of CWA member judges.
The judge for category was Jonathan Bayley, who has worked as a graphic designer, photographer and art director in publication and television broadcast design for 20 years. Jon is also the former art director of CATS magazine. He shares his New Jersey home with his wife, two children and two orange tabby cats.
His comments about Strouble's winning Kukendall Image Award entry "Waiting for Tom" include: "The technical quality was superior and I could sense the personality of the subject through the cat's posture and expression. The detail in the fur was extraordinary. This image really captured the attitude of 'the waiting game' I see in many cats." And about the series 'Drews Cats': "I saw every cat I've ever had the privilege of knowing in these illustrations. Simply fantastic!"
The international Cat Writers’ Association was founded in
1992 and is dedicated to providing news, information and education on all aspects of cat care and welfare, as well as improving the quality of
writing about cats. CWA provides members with networking opportunities and encourages professionalism and communication among cat writers, editors, photographers, artists, and broadcasters. For more information, see its website www.catwriters.org
Drew Strouble is America's premier cat artist. He has the largest body of realistic pet cat watercolor paintings in the world featured on his website www.catmandrew.com
 Catman Drew Strouble and his wife, Kim Crow at the 4th Annual OASIS Opera for Animals: Singing is Saving benefit March 10 at Palm-Aire Country Club, Sarasota. Featuring a Silent Auction of Drew Strouble's cat art paintings to benefit area animal shelters, rescue groups and wildlife sanctuaries that aid in the protection and prevention of cruelty to animals. Photography by Martine Taylor.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006 Sarasota Herald Tribune (Excerpted)
Carol Sparrow and Randolph Locke raise their voices for the enjoyment of an audience and the benefit of animals.
The husband-and-wife singing duo will perform pop and classical favorites during their fourth annual OASIS (Opera for Animals: Singing is Saving) benefit March 10 at Palm-Aire Country Club. Their renditions of classics from "Carmen," "La Boheme" and "Phantom of the Opera" as well as favorites from "West Side Story" and "Show Boat" will raise funds for area animal rescue operations.
"This is right in peak season. This is an ideal time to do it," Locke said. "This year we're hoping to go beyond that, and everyone who does winter in Sarasota should be there."
A different kind of artist, Siesta Key's Drew "Catman" Strouble, will help raise money by offering prints and originals in an auction. His well-known cat paintings, including those in the whimsical "Zen Cat" series, will be matted and framed for purchase.
Strouble became involved with the fund-raiser through a common acquaintance. His wife, local singer Kim Crow, has used opera singer Phyllis Lowitt as a voice coach. Lowitt and Sparrow are friends, so their meeting and discovery of a mutual love of animals was natural.
"I've been at it long enough that most people who like animal art like my work," Strouble said. "I'm known for the domestic breeds and capturing the spirit of the animal or the pet."
Strouble also is known for donating works to charities and auctions. The animal welfare cause is one he holds dear, which Locke said isn't unusual.
As Locke has traveled the world to sing, he continues to meet people who are as focused on animals as they are opera.
"There seems to be this connection between people who love art and are involved in animal welfare," he said. "I think it's because passionate people are passionate about many things. They have this simpatico feeling that draws them to opera and to animal welfare, and that's why OASIS can and does work."
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Drew Strouble is available for live ISDN audio patch interviews or straight phone patch records from his studio. Kindly call 941.349.2562 for details or email for availability.
SPIDS: 941.362.3075 / 941.362.3084
Prima LT
Gentner Phone Patch also available.
Media Wows & Meows ...
Meet Drew Strouble
About Drew's Cats
Purrs from Patrons
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"At first glance, Drew Strouble appears to be an average person, enjoying a peaceful life on beautiful Siesta Key, Florida, just outside Sarasota, with his wife Kim Crow and their five cats. But like Clark Kent, Drew Strouble has a secret identity.
Beyond closed doors he becomes CatmanDrew, producer of fine art for cat lovers. Thanks to his website, www.catmandrew.com, Strouble's secret identity is fast becoming known throughout the world."
"As if a snazzy website and catchy name aren't enough, Strouble has a crucial third ingredient for success - talent.
Trained at Sarasota's Ringling School of Art and Design, Strouble's watercolor portraits are detailed and spontaneous, capturing the spirit of his feline subjects.
"When it comes to the cats, the motivation is really from the heart. I love the animals," he says. "When people look at my art and see the spirit of the cat in the eyes or the texture of the fur ... that's reassurance that I'm headed in the right direction in my work."
Andrew Waters, "The Secret Life of Drew Strouble", Cats & Kittens, March 2000.
'His cats are beautiful and lifelike ... It should be evident through his watercolors the appreciation that Strouble has for his furry subjects. Strouble also cares for the viewers of his portraits.
He says of the patrons at the art shows he attends, "I like seeing the smiles the cats can bring; the smiles make me feel good."'
Nona K. Varnell, "Cats on Canvas - Painter Drew Strouble", PetLife, June/July 1996

"Artists often have a favorite subject. Peter Paul Rubens favored large-bodied women, while Claude Monet loved his gardens.
Likewise, Drew Strouble has a thing for felines and has made it his business to portray every prowl and prance made by his models ..."
"Cats have been used throughout history, and there have been artists who have painted the cat a lot as a favorite subject." he says. "I'd like to go down in the ranks as one of the best cat artists that ever lived."
Allison Fisher, "Painters on the Prowl", Purina Special Issue, PetLife, 2000
Drew Strouble, The Painter of Cats, takes Budapest by storm with the cover and feature in Hungary's leading cat magazine!
Hi Drew, I received your Calendar and Journal today with the personal note. Thank you so much! Lukas, who helped me open the parcel, also says “thanks” for the Styrofoam peanuts. Ollie, who has only three legs, is less prone to chasing things, but says thanks as well. And I will most certainly enjoy the Calendar and Journal. All the best, Margaret
Hi Drew, Just a quick note to let you know I just received my 4th! proof of your wonderful drawings. I think that you are so gifted and I can respect how much you love those beautiful creatures just has I have my whole life. This last drawing I just received is a likeness of my cat I lost years ago. He was such a handsome boy. I miss him to this day. Great work!! I'll be in touch. PS Thank you for the shipping discount! Take Care, Chef Christine
Hi Drew, Coincidentally, we have a male seal point Siamese named Rocky! These will make a total of 6 of your Siamese prints we have. I was excited to find color ink prints in a shop in Siesta Key while on vacation in Sarasota in June this year. We first heard of you on our vacations over the years there. We have 3 seal point Siamese: Rocky and siblings Toby and Macy. "Meezers" has a particular place of honor on our mantel over the fireplace and is my favorite. Love your Meezers! Thanks, Drew. -Renee
Hello, Mr. Catmandrew! I'm reaching out to you because a while ago (5 years or so) my dad purchased a proof #5/50 of "Oasis" from you. It's by far my favorite piece of art I own... but anyways... I lost my dad 3 years ago to cancer and I know if he was alive today he'd probably one of everything you have created. But I'd like a new print of a tabby like my cat Monte Carlo, and am currently browsing your website to find the perfect one. You're the best at your craft, and I just wanted to say thank you for making me smile everytime I look at "Oasis". You're amazing. And thank you sharing your gift with the world. |
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